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St. Joe Kickers’ Indoor Soccer Rules & Guidelines

St. Joe Kickers Indoor Soccer Rules


Rules follow FIFA/USSF Laws of the Game with the following exceptions:

  • No Offside.

  • No slide tackling is allowed against an opponent.

  • Substitutions are “on the fly” — if a team interferes with play during a substitution, play is stopped and an indirect free kick is awarded to the offended team; repeat offenses shall be considered misconduct.

  • “Three-Line Rule” for full-field games: a goalkeeper may not distribute the ball in the air past three lines* (throw, punt, drop-kick); no player may kick or throw the ball in the air over three lines. For any violation the opponent shall be awarded an indirect free kick at the center mark of the first blue line over which the “three-line pass” crossed.

  • “Halfway Line Rule” for half-field games: a goalkeeper may not distribute the ball in the air past the halfway line.  A goal kick may not cross the halfway line in the air. For any violation the opponent shall be awarded an indirect free kick at the center mark.

  • In half-field games, a goal may not be scored directly from a kick-off.

  • Throw-ins: opponents must be two yards from the touchline and may not impede the throw-in.  A player may not throw the ball directly into or across the opponent’s penalty area.  A throw-in which does not come into the field of play is awarded to the opposite team.

  • Free-kicks: opponents must be five yards from the spot of the free kick.  Any indirect free kick within the penalty area is taken from the penalty mark. It is still an indirect free kick, not a penalty kick!

  • Goal Kicks: opponents must remain behind the blue line nearest their opponent’s goal (halfway line in half-field games) and may not cross the blue line until the ball is in play. Once the ball is in play, opponents may cross the blue line and challenge for the ball.

  • Penalty Kicks: all players except the goalkeeper and penalty kicker must remain behind the first blue line until the ball is kicked (half-field games:  behind the halfway line).

  • House Rule – Out of Play: If the ball hits the top net while in the field of play the result is an indirect free kick at that spot to the opponents.

  • House Rule – In Play: the wire above midfield is in play.

  • Timing: In extreme instances the referee has the power to stop the clock within the last minute of each half.

*the three lines are the two defensive blue lines and the halfway line


General Guidelines


  • A maximum of three non-players are allowed in the team area. Youth teams must have at least one designated responsible adult occupy the team area during each game.

  • Players may take personal possessions into the team area but must not interfere with play.

  • Only water is allowed on the turf — no other drink is allowed.

  • Gum is strictly forbidden on the playing field.

  • Only turf shoes, “flats”, futsal shoes, running shoes, or tennis shoes are allowed — no outdoor cleats.

  • The team occupying the east side of the field (far end) kicks off — no coin toss.

  • Players must wear shinguards covered by stockings; players may not wear jewellery, even if it is “taped.”

  • All players must be registered and rostered on the team for which they play.

  • A team must field four players or forfeit.

  • Teams are responsible for the behavior of their spectators.

  • A player who receives a blue card will be suspended from play for two minutes. During that time his team shall play “short” (down one player) unless the opponent scores, in which case a player other than the person serving the two-minute suspension may enter the game to bring that team back to “full strength.” The blue-carded player may return to play after serving the two-minute suspension.

  • A team which has a player sent-off (red carded) may not allow a substitute for that player.  Adults who are sent-off (red carded) must leave the building.

  • Games are played in two 21-minute halves; halftime periods are two minutes in length. Games MUST start on time!

  • In case of color conflict, the team listed second on the schedule shall effect a change


Expectations for Fair Play


The St. Joe Kickers Sport Club, Inc. and the St. Joe Kickers Indoor Soccer League expect its players and coaches to conduct themselves within the rules and principles of fair play and good sportsmanship. It is each team’s responsibility to have its members abide by all requirements of the club and league, whose rules and regulations govern the Code of Conduct. The complete Code of Conduct and Player Expectations is available from the St. Joe Kickers Sports Director. Please note the following items pertaining to legal participation.


  • Illegal participation: A player who participates in a St. Joe Kickers Indoor Soccer League game without proper registration shall be suspended and all games in which that player participated shall be forfeited. An individual may play for only one team per division.*^ Each player participating on any team must have a waiver on file with the St. Joe Kickers and be rostered on that team.  A team may remove players or add new players after the season begins as long as the new player is rostered and signs a waiver; prior request must be made to the St. Joe Kickers Sports Director for any transfer between teams.  Any player that transfers teams without approval shall be suspended and all games in which that player participated shall be forfeited.

  • Falsification of records.  A player, coach, manager, or team official who alters or falsifies a roster or player registration or knowingly allows a suspended or banned player to participate shall receive a one-year suspension.


* exception: a female may also play for a male team in the same division, but not vice versa.
^ any player may participate in a division above his/her age grouping (e. g., a middle school player may also participate on a high school team). But a “B”-group player could not also participate on an “A”-group team and vice versa.

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