Join St. Joe Kickers
What does it take to be a “Kicker”?
The St. Joe Kickers Sport Club of Southwest Michigan was founded in 1953 by a small group of recently arrived German immigrants. Since then the Kickers has expanded to bring in thousands of like-minded local residents seeking fellowship based upon the love of the world’s greatest sport – offering outdoor & indoor soccer leagues with a new state-of-the-art indoor soccer facility.
In addition to opportunities to excel on the playing field, the Kickers Club also offers such benefits as weekly club nights, fun events throughout the year, holiday parties, family outings and reduced rates on facility rentals.
General Requirements
Any person of good moral character who agrees with the purpose of this organization shall be eligible for membership
All persons submitting application for membership shall be subject to acceptance or rejection by a majority vote by the Board of Directors
It shall be the right of any Board member to request a secret ballot
Membership Fees
Initiation fee is $800 per family - which can be paid in full or in installments:
If paid in full - discounted to $700
Installment plan
Pay $400 (towards initiation fee) + $50 (annual membership dues) at time of application = $450
For the next four years, the applicant pays $100 (towards initiation fee) + $50 (annual membership dues) = $150
After five years time (initiation fee is paid), the member pays $50 per year